El dia que les ceres de colors van dir prou / The day the Crayons quit – Drew Daywalt + Oliver Jeffers

El dia que les ceres de colors van dir prou / The day the Crayons quit – Drew Daywalt + Oliver Jeffers


A tothom li agrada pintar amb ceres de colors però has pensat mai si a les ceres també els agrada pintar? El vermell està cansat de treballar durant les vacances, el rosa es queixa de que no treballa prou i el groc i el taronja no paren de discutir!

Gairebé tothom ha llegit o ha sentit a parlar d’aquest llibre. És un èxit per ser tan original i divertit! Potser algunes de les bromes són complicades per els petits però segur que fan riure als pares.

M’agrada per…

L’estil del llibre, tan de les il·lustracions com del text, m’agrada que el text estigui en forma de carta, li dóna un toc diferent a la história.

Everyone loves to color with Crayons but have you ever thought if Crayons like to color? Red Crayon is tired of working during holidays, Pink Crayon complains because it’s not working enough and Yellow and Orange Crayon are always arguing!

Almost everyone read or at least heard about this book. This book became a success for being so funny and original. Maybe some of the jokes are a little difficult to understand for children but I’m sure parents will have a fun time reading this book!

It’s a plus…

The style of the book, the illustrations and the text are very original. I also like the fact that the author used letters to tell the story, I think it’s something different and looks really cool.

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