Unexpected Mondays, Magic words

Unexpected Mondays, Magic words

When X and Y get together because of fate, destiny or chance, unexpected things like that can happen:

I traveled from Spain to New York to visit some of my favorite people in the world. On my fourth day in the US, I was checking my Instagram  when I see that Dallas Clayton, children’s books writer, illustrator and probably the coolest person on Earth, travelled from sunny California to New York to give a talk, that same day! So, this is how Monday June 8th 2015, will always be remembered as the day I met Dallas Clayton.
Dallas talked for about two hours about books, kids and personal experiences. He shared with all of us his cool way of seeing the world, his simple but passionate way of living. He made us realize about the power of a simple idea and how sharing that idea can change the world.
While I was listening to him talking I was thinking about how cool it is that he decided to write books for children, how cool is to show to the little ones, and not that little, that we should all dream big, love all and be thankful for what we have (check An Awesome book, An Awesome book of Love and An Awesome book of Thanks).

Somebody special, once told me that there’s nothing comparable to the feeling you have when your favorite author reads one of your favorite books. Well, she was completely right, when Dallas started reciting “The Awesome book of Love” I could feel how the words came swinging to my ears and went straight to my heart. That was a magic feeling, a moment I would never forget.

If you want to know more about Dallas, visit his website or Instagram account! In there you will find tons of awesome things like drawings, videos and of course, his books.


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